- Established relationships and access to over 250 real estate finance lenders and investors from the largest institutions to HNW individuals, that include:
o Insurance Companies
o Pension Funds
o Hedge Funds
o Specialist lenders
o Investment & Asset Managers
o Banks
o Private Equity Funds
o Forward Funders
o Sovereign Wealth Funds
o Family Offices
- All property sectors covered from commercial & residential developments to refinancing of individual assets or portfolios.
- Capital requirements sourced throughout the capital stack.
o Senior debt and high leveraged stretched solutions.
* Short-term bridge to long-term financings out to 30 years.
* Typical loan sizes targeted from £10 to £100 million, no maximum.
o Strategic Joint Ventures
o Senior Debt / Stretched Senior
o Bridge and Mezzanine Financing
o Secured and Unsecured Debt
o Mezzanine and Equity.
o Forward Funding
o Acquisition Finance
- 4M&R coaches on how to best articulate a proposal to specific lenders and investors.
- Liquidity sourced for unencumbered assets or greater, more efficient and competitive leverage arranged for existing assets.
- Services range from simple ‘broking’ to more involved representation determined on a case-by-case basis to fit every client’s specific needs.